The elements are a metaphor, a simple organizational system to help us understand business. And, they are the components of nature, the roots of magick, and the building blocks of life. We all have some aspects of life and business where we thrive, and others that are more challenging. By looking at these things elementally, we remove shame and judgement and can discern which element would help us bring ourselves into balance. Using The Elemental Entrepreneurship® Framework, I teach spiritual practitioners, creatives, and heart-centered service providers to build thriving, profitable, sustainable businesses. In The Elemental Entrepreneurship Podcast, I bring these lessons to you, along with interviews with fascinating guests from the world of business, art, and personal development.
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
WATER - Growing Through Seasons Of Death & Rebirth With Taylor Slango
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Founder of Aligned & Ambitious® Taylor Slango is an online business owner, a mom, a marketing wiz, and someone who has not shied away from allowing her audience to watch her grow, change, and learn on her business journey. Today she shares with us about one of the hardest years of her life, and how she navigated having to step back from her business, and what happened when she stepped back into it on the other side.
Join Taylor for her free upcoming event, Project Breakthrough. She invites you to come design a 2023 growth plan that excites the shit out of you & is destined to get you more of what you want. Sign up FREE here: https://taylorslango.thrivecart.com/project-breakthrough/?coupon=FREE
And follow Taylor on Instagram at instagram.com/taylorslango
And if you'd love a copy of the brand new 2023 MasterMoon Guided Journal, join the waitlist here: https://www.intuitiveedgecoaching.com/mmbookwait
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
WATER - Do You Ditch Your Dreams When ”Life Gets Crazy?”
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
This short episode is from an IG Live about a phenomenon I encounter a lot in my coaching work, something clients have asked me about a lot...
How do I stay on track with my priorities when "life gets busy?"
You know the deal, you decide to start your business, or your morning routine, or re-commit to your movement practice, or write your book, and you're happily plugging along and then...
Pet in the hospital. Unexpected breakup. Flood in the basement. Car trouble. Family coming into town.
It seems like something allllllwayyys shows up to knock us off track.
Next thing we know we've missed a few days.
And we feel shitty for missing that few days, so we have to lose a few more days to feeling shitty for missing a few days, of course.
Next thing you know, you've ghosted your business again and haven't made an instagram post in 6 months.
Or you haven't darkened the door of the dance or yoga studio in a year, and feel like you're "starting all over."
There's just so many distractions.
Well, I have a theory about why this happens, and how to stop it. Listen up to hear about it.
If you want HOURS of free trainings, support, and resources on all things Elemental Entrepreneurship, AND video versions of some podcast interview episodes, join my UNSTUCK Facebook Group.
And if you'd like to work together all year in 2023 to help you stay on track with your goals, email hello@intuitiveedgecoaching.com with "BEST YEAR YET" and we'll discuss if we're the right fit to work together.
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
SPIRIT - Scorpio Season Reading For The Collective
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Spirit came through with some clear guidance on what shadows to move through, and how to find them in this reading for the Collective.
All year we've been getting the message that we need to drop perfectionism, and in Scorpio season we're being invited into what I dubbed in this reading our FUCK IT ERA.
So all I wanna know is...who's comin with me!?
I mentioned at the end there's 1 week left to get a 15 month payment plan and TWO free months of coaching when you claim a spot for Best Year Yet — a full year of coaching and mentorship with me in 2023. For all the details email me (hello@intuitiveedgecoaching.com) BEST YEAR YET.
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Family I have a juicy one for you today!
The amazing Pamela Horner, AKA The Awakened Aphrodite, joined me for a conversation about her path to discovering, and becoming a highly sought after teacher, of what she calls "Feminine Dominance."
We get into some nuanced areas of the real meaning of "masculine" and "feminine" energetics (sub yin and yang or go/flow if you prefer), why dominance does NOT mean just being an aggressive jerk and submission does NOT mean pretending you have no needs, addressed some of the problematic teachings in the "conscious relationship guru" side of the internet, and so much more!
We also talk about sex work and kink, so buckle up!
Stick around till the end, because Pamela leads a short guided meditation to help you drop into your own experience of Feminine Dominance in your body.
As a special gift, Pamela has a discount code for you for her upcoming program.
All you have to do to get it is DM her "Special Offer" on Instagram, and let her know that you heard her on The Elemental Entrepreneurship Podcast!
Find her on instagram here: http://www.instagram.com/theawakenedaphrodite
You can ALSO take 50% off my course on boundaries, The Art Of Saying Yes Less, with the code APHRODITE, right here: https://www.intuitiveedgecoaching.com/sayingyesless
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
SPIRIT - Why I’m Closing One Of My Most Lucrative & Successful Programs
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Today I'm talking about killing your darlings. I'm talking about welcoming deaths in your business, and in your life. I'm talking about making the decision to end something, even when nothing is "wrong" and it's working well.
I'm telling the story of why I decided that next year I will NOT be reopening the doors to MasterMoon Collective, my life coaching group that has been running successfully for the past 4 years.
If you're struggling with the decision to end a chapter, whether it's a service, an offer, a business, a friendship or relationship, or anything else, because nothing's "wrong" but it doesn't feel "right" to keep going, I hope this is helpful for you!
If you want to get a copy of the MasterMoon Guided Journal when it becomes available in November, click here to add your name to the waitlist.
If you need help to plan out what you'll be offering in your business for the remainder of 2022 and all of 2023, join me on Zoom on 10/18 from 10am-12pm PST, and we'll plan it all out together! $77.
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
WATER - ”My Truth Has To Be Louder” with Madam Adam
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
I am SO excited today to have Madam Adam on the show. Madam Adam is TikTok’s tough love tarot specialist, with over a million followers on TikTok and nearly 90k on IG, Madam Adam's fast, punchy, no nonsense tarot readings, lives, and self-care moments are iconic in the spiritual community.
In this conversation Madam Adam and I discuss the importance of therapy, self care, setting boundaries, and understanding who can come with you and who can't on your journey of creativity, self expression, and entrepreneurship.
We talk about creating a style and sticking to it, being consistent as a creator, and finding your authentic voice.
We also discuss what it's like to deal with the haters, scammers, and negativity that can come with having a big platform (hint, it's more boundaries, more therapy, and more self care).
Follow Madam Adam at officialmadamadam on Tiktok and Instagram, TheMadamAdam on twitter, and visit MadamAdam.com for more information and to book readings.
On this episode I discussed my boundaries course, The Art of Saying Yes Less.
If you need help setting boundaries and saying no to people in your life, visit https://www.intuitiveedgecoaching.com/sayingyesless and use the code MADAMADAM to take 50% off.
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
SPIRIT - What To Do When You’re Working Your Ass Off & Nothing’s Working
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Today I want to talk about what happens when we're working our ass off and we're plateauing — or even getting worse! Sometimes we can feel like we're trying so hard, and we aren't seeing the results we want. When we start feeling like this, we may start to think the answer is to work harder, and getting down on ourselves, creating a cycle of fatigue and burnout that then makes us plateau even more. It can be vicious.
When we're in this mode, the last thing we want to hear is that we're doing too much, and the solution is to take a break or do less, but sometimes, that's exactly the solution that's required.
Take a listen and tell me what you think.
If you'd like to join me to spend 90 Days practicing feeling like you've achieved your goals and all your desires are here now, join The 90 Day Sensual Movement Manifestation Challenge here: https://www.intuitiveedgecoaching.com/90dayfall22
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
SPIRIT - September Equinox & Libra Season Reading For The Collective
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
This season's message came in HOT. If you struggle with shaming yourself, telling yourself you can't do what you want or be who you want, and that you "aren't ready yet" to start creating or sharing your Sacred Work; If you people please and struggle from an inability to set boundaries, if you self-neglect when other people make demands on your time and attention; If you feel like what you want is too big for you, and who you want to be feels miles away - Spirit has a message for you!
So much of this reading is about following your feelings, and allowing other people to come into your life to help you, and to that end, I'd love to invite you to join The 90 Day Sensual Movement Manifestation Challenge. The doors are open now, and we begin 10/1. Sign up here: https://intuitive-edge-coaching.mykajabi.com/90dayfall22
Also, until the end of the day TOMORROW, 9/23, the doors for The Elemental Entrepreneurship Coven are open to my email list. If you'd like to join us there, make sure you join my email list to get the link! You can sign up here: https://intuitive-edge-coaching.mykajabi.com/
Happy Equinox!
Friday Sep 16, 2022
EARTH - Systems As Self Care
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
This episode has some rough audio quality, thank you for bearing with me!
In this episode I talk about how creating systems in your life is a profound act of self care - especially if you have a squiggly brain.
October 1st we start Round #3 of The 90 Day Sensual Movement Manifestation Challenge - I'd love it if you'd join! Check out all the info and sign up here: https://intuitive-edge-coaching.mykajabi.com/90dayfall22
Friday Aug 26, 2022
FIRE - Sales Doesn’t Have To Be R*pey
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Here are some direct quotes from the chat at my "How To Have Consistent Five Figure Months" class:
"The word sales makes me cringe…"
"Sales is so uncomfortable"
I think that these phrases are covering a set of beliefs that says that selling is inherently coercive and rooted in non-consent...and I don't believe that has to be true. There ARE ethical ways to sell. But in order to engage in consensual sales we have to get clear on what we offer, and be ready to ask for 100% of what we want in return. Are you prepared to do that work in your business? In your relationships? In your life?
If you are, but you don't know how - Join Elemental Launch Alchemy.
We start 8/30. The link is here: https://intuitive-edge-coaching.mykajabi.com/launchalchemy